本文研究了一种埋入式MEMS(微电子机械系统 )无线应变片性能的实验标定方法。通过引入一个当量应变片 ,遵照标准应变片的标定规定 ,本文设计了实用有效的实验标定步骤。分别对标准应变片和MEMS试样进行完全相同的拉伸实验 ,从而得到埋入MEMS应变片的应变片系数 (灵敏度 )为 13,同时获得在实验试样的制作条件下 ,测量应变与实际应变之比为 2。
In this paper, a calibration technique for the characteristics of wireless embedded MEMS strain sensor was proposed. Following the calibration of standard strain sensors, effective and practical experimental processes were designed by the introduction of an equivalent strain sensor. After identical tensile experiments of standard strain sensors and MEMS strain sensors separately, the gage factor (sensitivity) of the MEMS strain sensor was obtained as 13. Under the fabricating conditions of the specimens in our experiments, the ratio of measured strain and real strain was 2.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices