THCAPP寻求整个工艺设计过程的电子化。由于工艺设计在各个方面都充满个性 ,用户资源库需要使用专门的数据库才能有效发挥其作用 ,本文针对钢结构工艺设计特点 ,用Access建立专门数据库 ,应用于用户资源库 ,进一步提高了工作效率 。
THCAPP pursues comprehensive computerizing of all technical project course. Because technical project bursts 'character'all round, User resouce base needs to use proper database to fulfill its actions . The paper refers to technical project distinction of steel struction ,uses the Microsoft Access program to establish some proper database , which can apply in user resource base , thus it efficiently raises speed and saves working time.
Boiler Manufacturing