介绍了提高外场脉冲激光光斑测量距离的两个关键技术 :CCD电子快门预测和背景相减技术 ,并给出了提高白天外场脉冲激光光斑的测量距离的试验效果 ,在激光制导武器系统和激光告警系统的研制中都有重要的意义。影响白天外场对脉冲激光光斑的测量距离的主要原因是激光光斑被淹没在阳光照射的背景里 ,不能提取光斑图像。设法让电子快门的触发脉冲在每个激光脉冲到来前的固定时间间隔产生 ,保证CCD捕捉到光斑的全部能量 ,从而可以使CCD输出最亮的光斑图像。另一方面 ,在激光没有照射时 ,采集一帧图像作为背景 ,让激光照到靶板后的图像与背景图像相减 ,结果只在光斑照到的位置处有不同。在相减后的图像中 ,使激光光斑突出。
A pre_estimation to open a CCD electronic shutter and image subtraction between the background image composed of a laser spot and the background are introduced in this paper. These techniques are effective to increase the tested distance of the pulse laser spots removed target in outfield during daytime. Manipulating the trigger pulses of a CCD electronic shutter, the shutter will be pre_opened. Therefore, the full energy of the laser spot lasting only several nano_seconds can be caught. Using the technique of the image subtraction, the bright background where a weak laser spot was merged, was eliminated and the image of the laser spot was emerged. The test results are also presented in this paper.
Optics and Precision Engineering