刘少奇关于党性修养的理论 ,在他关于党的学说中独树一帜。其内容主要包括 :共产党员的党性是无产者阶级性本质的最高体现 ;始终代表先进生产力的发展要求是共产党人党性修养的本质特征和要求 ;坚持并代表先进文化的前进方向是共产党人永葆自身先进性的根本 ;始终代表最广大人民的根本利益是共产党员党性修养的集中体现。结合新的时代特征准确完整的理解和把握这一理论 。
Liu Shaoqi's theory of party-spirit accomplishment, the most distinguished part of his theory of the Party, includes: 1. Party members' Party-spirit is the highest manifestation of class-spirit of proletariat; 2. Representing the need of advanced productivity is the instinct characteristic of Party-spirit accomplishment; 3. Holding and representing the interests of advanced culture is the key to hold their advancement; 4. Representing the interests of most public is the intensive manifestation of party spirit accomplishment. Comprehending and mastering the theory wholly and correctly, in the light of the new characteristics of the period, will do much good to strengthen our Party construction in new era.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University
Liu Shaoqi
Party-spirit accomplishment
three representatives