马克思主义关于人的全面发展的思想 ,深刻揭示了现代社会对人的全面发展的客观必然要求及其所提供的条件和可能性 ,科学地规定了人的全面发展的基本内容。江泽民同志把人的全面发展同我国社会主义初级阶段的实践 ,同实现我们党的最高纲领与最低纲领紧密结合起来 ,从坚持和实现党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线、基本纲领的高度 ,提出努力促进人的全面发展 ,是马克思主义关于建设社会主义新社会的本质要求的科学论断。
The Marxist thoughts of all-around development of people reveals profoundly the apodeictic requirement, conditions and probability of the all-around development the modern society demands, scientifically provides the substance of the development. Comrade Jiang Zemin, relating the development with the practice in primary stage of socialism and the maximum and minimum program of the party, at the height of perseverance and realization of the party's radical course and principle, scientifically pointed out the all-around development of people is the entitative requirement of Marxist socialistic society construction. And this is the evolution of the Marxian thoughts of all-around development of people.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University