研究了黑比诺、美乐和赤霞珠在浸渍发酵及贮存后花色素的变化规律。结果表明,花色素在浸渍过程中先升高,然后降低,在浸渍的3~4 d,且比重低于1.025时可达到最大值,贮存后,花色素的含量明显降低,但随着浸渍时间的延长所表现的变化规律保持不变。
The change rules of anthocyanidin during steeping fermentation and after storage of Pinor noir,Cabernet sauvignon and Merlot were studied and the results indicated that the contents of anthocyanidin first increased and then dropped during steeping, after 3~4 days steeping, its content could achieve the maxium as the specific weight less than 1.025; after storage, its contents dropped evi-dently, and the change rules kept constant despite of the extension of steeping time.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology