通过对PTT、PET、PBT和PA6 6纤维性能的比较 ,介绍了PTT纤维的弹性和柔软性。CorterraPTTDTY在弹性纤维的中高端市场中占有独一无二的地位 ,而短纤维在弹性织物中具有其独特的应用领域。
The performances of Corterra PTT filament yarns and stable fiber yarns are described in detail. Five identical interlock fabrics made of drawn textured yarn of PTT, PET, PBT and PA66, all dyed and finished according to industry standards, are evaluated on elasticity, softness and abrasion. The softfeel, hand, drape, ligh elasticity, extensibility, high recovery force, easy care, carrierless dyeing at lower temperatures and pressure conditions, good color fastness in chlorinated water and good dimensional stability under wet conditions are still the prime attractive properties of PTT polymers for textile application.
Melliand China