金川二矿区井下分级机站通风系统 ,由于其机站布置等方面存在问题 ,严重影响了生产 ,危害了工人的健康。为了解决这一问题 ,在 10 0 0m主斜坡道口巷道两侧硐室内用 4台风机在同一断面并联形成空气幕阻隔风流 ,以减少或避免污风循环 ,另用 4台风机在平巷同一断面并联形成空气幕引射风流到 115 0m中段的作业区。安装空气幕后 ,有效克服了 115 0m中段的通风阻力 ,增加了东、西副井的供风量 ,改善了通风效果。
The ventilation system formed by the underground classified fan stations in Jingchuan's No.2 Mining District, due to the improper layout of the stations, has been posing great hazards to the mining production and the health of underground workers as well. To eliminate this problem, four fans were installed in the chambers on both sides of the roadway at the access of the 1000 m main inclined shaft so that the fans were paralleled to form an air curtain along a single section , which would hinder air flow so as to reduce or avoid circulation of polluted air. On the other hand, another four fans were paralleled in drift to form an air curtain along the section , from which air flow was ejected to the working area on the 1150m level. The formed air curtains effectively eliminated the ventilation resistance of the 1150m level. As a result, the air flow of the east and west service shafts was enhanced, and the ventilation as a whole was improved.
Mining Research and Development
Mine ventilation
Air curtain
Ejected air flow