中国联通计划年底前完成CDMA网络二期工程,其间将分步骤实现CDMA 1X的网络覆盖,并计划最终实现全网向1X的升级。联通为什么要大上1X?又该如何启动1X市场呢? 联通为什么要上CDMA 1X? 在联通CDMA网络一期工程完成之初,联通对于CDMA 1X技术如何采用还存在一些争论,主要是采用怎样的覆盖策略。有人主张只对部分重点城市上马,有人主张全网升级。但在近期,联通方面已达成共识,即分步骤实现对整个CDMA网络的1X升级。
China Unicom planned to accomplish the phase 2 project of CDMA network by the end of this year, the network coverage of CDMA 1X will be achieved by phases during this period, while the whole network will be upgraded to 1X finally. Why does China Unicom put great efforts on 1X? How to start and push 1X market? First of all, China Unicom has missed a historical opportunity of mobile phone development when it starts CDMA network. CDMA 1X technology is regarded to be the key point if CDMA network of China Unicom wants to surpass its counterparts and taking the leading role in the market. From the point of technology, 1X is more advantageous than GPRS technology from business rate to smooth upgrade. In addition. CDMA 1X technology is quite mature and has experienced a large-scale commercial use. Fully upgrade 1X will have a practical market demand even if it would be difficult to widely develop mobile data users. Anyway, it's a great trend to develop CDMA 1X, its prospect-from our reporter's view, should be bright and extensive, though it will encounter obstruction in the primary market development The key issue is how much importance the operator will attach on it, and how to establish a new marketing system for data mobile
China Telecommunications Trade