在建立植物生态生理模型 (如光合作用、蒸腾作用数理模型 )的过程中 ,气温、太阳辐射、风速、相对湿度等气象要素的日变化及瞬时资料是必不可少的。本文根据常规台站的日常观测资料 ,建立了气温、太阳辐射、风速、相对湿度等气象要素日变化的数理模型。并应用实测资料对所建模型进行了验证。实践表明 :(1)描述气温日变化的正弦 -指数模型通常其模拟结果不甚理想 ,但通过引用最高温度的时间延迟参数及惯性系数 ,可增加模拟结果的准确性。 (2 )根据日平均风速资料 ,应用两条正弦曲线模型可模拟的日变化及瞬时值 ,并可根据具体地点 ,确定日最小风速及两条正弦曲线的起至时间。 (3)根据测量的太阳辐射日总量值以及太阳高度的日变化值等 ,可准确地模拟太阳辐射的日变化 ;(4)根据露点温度和气温常规资料可准确模拟相对湿度的日变化。如果区域参数已知或被正常估计 ,上述方法可得到较为理想的气象要素日变化的模拟结果。
When plant processes such as photosynthesis and transpiration are simulated,meteorological data(air temperature,solar radiation,wind speed and relative humidity)on diurnal patterns are very useful.Methods were developed for the calculation of diurnal patterns of air temperature,wind speed,solar radiation and relative humidity on basis of normally measured data in weather stations,and the models were validated with the measured data.The results show that:(1)a simple sine exponential method for describing diurnal air temperature is not satisfactory in most cases,and the addition of parameters which specifiy the time lag of maximum temperature and the effect of buoyancy can improve simulated data accuracy;(2)diurnal course of wind speed can be described using two sine curves scaled by the measured daily average wind speed;(3)an accurate description of the diurnal solar radiation is obtained,based on the measured daily total solar radiation;(4)relative humidity is calculated from the dew point temperature and actual air temperature.When the site specific parameters are fixed,these methods could give good simulated meteorological data of the diurnal patterns.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition