水资源的供需分析 ,仅反映各区的水资源供需水量及缺水情况。同属缺水问题 ,在不同的地区缺水性质 ,内涵和紧缺程度均不一定相同。为此本章利用模糊数学中的多因子综合评判方法 ,采用Windows98平台下Visu alBasic 6 .0建立了水资源紧缺程度评价系统 ,综合评价了山东省 9个重点城市的水资源紧缺程度及其产生原因 ,以便区分轻重缓急 。
The supply-demand analysis of water resources can only reflect the amount of water supply and demand. But water shortage actually varies in property, intension and degree in different regions. This paper established a system for assessing the shortage of water resources by using visual basic 6.0 on Window 98 platform and overall multi-factor assessment method in fuzzy math .It also evaluates the degree of water shortage in nine big cities of Shandong and analyzes their corresponding reasons so that different counter-measures can be taken accordingly.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition