根据Martindale药典中的体外释放方法 ,研究分别含醋酸氟孕酮 (FGA) 30 ,4 0和 5 0mg的“羊乐”和法国产品Synchropart在 12d内释放FGA的规律。结果发现 ,3种规格的“羊乐”和Synchropart中FGA每天释放量均呈下降趋势 ,12d内各剂量组释放量的平均值分别为 2 0 1± 1 0 3,2 2 0± 1 2 2 ,3 2 1± 0 88和 2 0 9± 0 4 0mg·d-1。在第 3和第 4天 ,各剂量组FGA释放量达到高峰 ,以后释放量逐渐降低 ,至第 12天各剂量组的释放量最低。回收实验中 ,各剂量组的回收率分别为 88 2 3% ,86 4 8% ,99 4 0 %和 90 0 0 %。运用SPSS软件分析FGA海绵栓的释放模型 ,发现释放量y1、y2 、y3 和y法国 (分别表示 3种规格的“羊乐”和Synchropart的FGA释放量 )与释放时间 (d)关系如下 :y1=3 6 4 36 - 0 2 5 17d ;y2 =3 6 718- 0 2 2 6 0d ;y3 =3 9390 - 0 112 9d和y法国 =2 5 5 0 5 - 0 0 70 5d。
According to the description of Martindale pharmacopoeia,the release dynamic of fluorogestone acetate(FGA)in intravaginal sponges containing 30,40 or 50 mg of FGA and Synchropart(from France)individually was studied in vitro for 12 days.The results showed that there was no differences among four types of sponges and decreased gradually day by day for the release amount of FGA.The average release amount of four types of sponges was 2 01±1 03,2 20±1 22,3 21±0 88 and 2 09±0 40 mg·d -1 ,respectively.The release amount of FGA reached the top on day 3 and 4,and then lowed gradually and reached the bottom on day 12.In the recycling trials,the recycling rates for four types of sponges were 88 23%,86 48%,99 40% and 90 00%,respectively.The formulas of FGA release amount for type 1,2,3 and Synchropart of sponges(presented iny 1,y 2,y 3 and y (France) )were y 1=3 643 6-0 251 7 d, y 2= 3 671 8-0 226 0 d,y 3=3 939 0-0 112 9 d,and y France =2 550 5-0 070 5 d(where d represented the day observed).
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
国家农业科技跨跃计划 (2 0 0 114 )
江苏省农业三项工程 [SX(2 0 0 1) 0 47]