在全生育期防止天然降水情况下 ,研究了节水灌溉对 2个冬小麦品种 (系 )若干重要性状和土壤含水量的影响。结果表明 ,不同处理 2个品种生育期缩短幅度为 3d~ 2 4 d,水分利用率较高。豫麦 34抽穗~成熟阶段耗水量约占全生育期耗水量的 2 / 5 ,且灌浆开始早 ,速度快 ,千粒重显著提高 ,产量和水分利用率均高 ,洛阳 8716由于前中期生育时期长 ,开花迟 ,节水灌溉又使开花~成熟期大幅度缩短 ,导致粒重变小 。
Under condition of shielding natural precipitation through the whole developing stage, the effects of water saving irrigation on two varieties of winter wheat were studied. The results showed that the development stage of both cultivars was shortenened by 3~24 days, the small water amount of irrigation was full used, and water use efficiency was high. For the cultivar Yumai 34 showed that water consumption between heading and maturity was two fifths of all stages, seed filling began earlier, and had desired grain yield. The cultivar Luoyang 8716, because primary and middle stages were too long,flowering too late, the time of anthesis^maturity stage was shortenened by 11~15 days, thus the grain yield decreased greatly.\;
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
国家重点基础研究发展规划 (G2 0 0 0 0 7790 0 )资助项目