目的 :比较急、慢性肝炎患者心理状况及其与肝功能之间的关系。方法 :采用SCL 90、SAS、SDS、EPQ及社会支持量表进行问卷调查 ,结果输入计算机进行统计分析。结果 :慢性肝炎患者阳性项目数、强迫、抑郁、恐怖、偏执及精神病性等因子分均高于急性肝炎患者 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :慢性肝炎患者心理症状的严重程度高于急性肝炎患者 ,对这类患者除药物治疗外 ,积极的心理和社会干预尤为重要。
Objective: To compare the mental healthy status of the patients with acute or chronic hepatitis and its relation with liver function. Methods: 142 patients with chronic or acute hepatitis were investigated by using SCL 90, SAS, SDS, social supports and EPQ during 1999-2000. The data obtained were put into a computer for statistical analysis. Results: The number of positive items and the scores in obsessive compulsive, depression, photic anxiety, paranoid ideation and psychoticism factors in the patients with chronic hepatitis were greater than in acute hepatitis ( P < 0.05 ).Conclusion: The mental health of the patients with chronic hepatitis was worse than those with acute hepatitis.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation