对贵州引种的迷迭香中挥发油的化学成分进行定性和定量分析 ,并与不同来源的迷迭香油的化学成分进行比较。结果表明 ,从贵州引种的迷迭香挥发油中分离出 38种成分 ,鉴定出 2 7种 ,鉴定率为71 0 5 % ,主要成分是α -蒎烯 (α -Pinene) ,含量 2 5 .4 4% ;1,8-桉树脑 (1,8-Cineole) ,含量 2 0 .2 7% ;其次是樟脑 (Camphor) ,含量 7.6 7% ;莰烯 (Camphene) ,含量 7.10 % ;龙脑 (Borneol) ,含量 3.30 % ;β -石竹烯 (β -Caryophyllene) ,含量 3.2 3%。贵州引种的迷迭香中挥发油的化学成分主要是α -蒎烯、1,8-桉树脑 ,占挥发油检出成分的 4 5 .71%。该挥发油按化学成分分类属α -蒎烯、1.
A study was conducted on the chemical constituents of volatile oil from the Rosmarinus officinalis L.in Guizhou.The result showed 38 compounds were separated and 27 were identified representing 71 05%of the total contents from the Rosmarinus officinalis L. in Guizhou. The major chemical constituents of volatile oil from the Rosmarinus officinalis L. in Guizhou are α-Pinene(25.44%), 1,8-Cineole(20.27%), Camphor(7.67%), Camphene(7.10%), Borneol(3.30%), β-Caryophyllene(3.23%).