三峡大学医学院开办医学影像专业有 16年历史 ,经历了从专科向本科转型过度。在素质教育和创新意识培养方面经过了多年的探索实践。大专层次的教育为社会培养了一批临床应用型专业人才 ,缓解了市场需求的压力 ,但部分学生客观上存在着知识面较窄小 ,缺乏后劲的问题。实施本科教育全面提高学生的综合素质需要在多方面下工夫 :转变教育思想 ,更新教育观念 ;转变培养模式 ;优化组合构建新的课程体系 ;强化科研 ,以科研促教学 ;通才教育与专才教育并举。探索本科生素质教育 6年 ,取得了可喜成绩 。
Shadow Department of Medical College has a history of 16 years. It has had a turn from a three-year to four-year study. In the course of qualification-oriented education and training students' creativity, a lot of experience has been gained. This paper mainly focuses on some of the valuable experience the department has obtained and also gives some thoughts on future development.
Journal of China Three Gorges University(Humanities & Social Sciences)