“两个必然”既资本主义必然灭亡 ,社会主义必然胜利。“两个必然”的实现又将是一个相当长的历史时期 ,况且在当代世界“资强社弱”的态势下 ,“两个必然”的实现又是曲折的。因此 ,当代社会主义国家 ,在继续注意防“左” ,深化改革开放的同时 ,还要随时警惕“右” ,警惕资本主义的暂时性复辟 ,采取各种有效措施 。
Two Necessities'is that the capitalist is doomed to perish and the socialist is sure to win.The realization of'Two Necessities'will be another quite long historical period.Furthermore,under the situation of capicalist's strongness and socialist's weakness in the comtemporary world,the accomplishment of Two Necessities will be tortuous too.While socialist countries continue to pay attention to guard against'the left'and deepen reform and opening,they should also alert at all times against'the right'and the temporary restoration of capitalist.They must adopt different effective measures to eliminate any hidden danger of capitalist restoration existing in the present socialist countries.
Journal of Changchun University