E .ashbyiiT3 0 是本研究室筛得的一株核黄素高产突变株 .对其细胞学特性的研究表明 ,其菌丝及孢子形态同原株相比没有明显变化 ,但同等条件下 ,其生长速度快于原株 ,菌落色泽也较原株深 ,而产孢子性能有所下降 .T3 0 在完全培养基平板上连续传代菌落形态会发生分离 ,不同形态的菌落核黄素产量有较大的差异 ,其中中等大小 ,边缘整齐 ,中间略凹 ,菌苔厚 ,颜色深黄 (2 8℃ ,CM ,72h)的菌落 ,核黄素发酵性能较优良 .
Eremothecium ashbyii T 30 , a mutant overproducing riboflavin, was studied. Compared with the original strain, the hyphae and the spores of T 30 had no difference by appearance, but its growth rate, the color of colonies and sporegenic abilities were faster, deeper and more weakened under the same conditions. The colonial features of T 30 would appear to be divided when T 30 was transferred on the CM agar plate. The divided colonies had different capabilities of producing riboflavin. Especially, such colonies among them had good characteristics of over producing riboflavin which had medium sizes, orderly edges, sunken central sections, thick mycelia and orange color (28℃, CM, 72h).
Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition)