针对大直径花岗岩圆柱饰面板施工中出现的空鼓问题 ,分析了产生的原因 ,提出了采用注浆处理修复的施工方案 ,并应用新型注浆工具———“微型自动压力注浆器”注浆 ,解决了这个难题既保证了工程质量 ,又避免了大的经济损失。值得在建筑施工处理类似问题时作为借鉴。
According to the hollowing problems existed in the construction of large diameter granite cylindrical facing board the producing reasons are analyzed and the repairing construction plan adopting grouting method is proposed. Through the application of 'micro automatic pressed grouting implement '-this problem is solved. The engineering quality is ensured and the economic loss is avoided. This method can bring references for other engineering in building construction in the future.
Shanxi Architecture