目的 :观察和比较波形与直形接骨板内固定对兔股骨局部血流的影响。 方法 :采用核素骨显像观察两种接骨板固定前后兔股骨局部血流的变化。 结果 :内固定后股骨血流早期呈抑制状态 ,2 4h后开始逐渐增加 ,3周时达峰值 ,12周左右又接近正常。波形接骨板固定组股骨局部血供明显大于直形接骨板固定组。 12周时 ,两组基本接近。 结论 :波形接骨板对骨密质的压迫小 ,对股骨局部血供的干扰小 ,有利于骨折的愈合。
Objectives:To observe and compare the effects of internal fixation with wave plate or straight plate on regional rabbits femoral blood flow. Methods:Radionuclide bone scan was performed before and after the implantation to observe the changes of regional rabbits femoral blood flow after internal fixation. Results:The blood flow was reduced immediately after internal fixation, then it elevated. The highest levels of bone blood flow of two groups occurred both at the third week. The blood supply of bone fixed with wave plate was higher than straight plate significantly at 24 hours, 72 hours, 3 weeks and 6 weeks after the implantation. Conclusions:The use of wave plate preserves the local blood supply of fracture site, which is beneficial to fracture healing.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates