目的 :考察缬沙坦 (Valsartan)对原发性高血压病患者血管紧张素Ⅱ 1型受体 (AⅡ1受体 )的调控 ,探讨缬沙坦的长期疗效和机制。 方法 :随机选取原发性高血压病住院患者 2 0例 ,口服缬沙坦 ,每天 1次 ,每次 80mg ,连续4周。每天定时测血压 ,并用定量逆转录聚合酶链反应 (RT PCR)方法对白细胞内AⅡ1mRNA进行定量。 结果 :治疗 6天左右 ,血压和白细胞内AⅡ1mRNA均显著下降 (P <0 .0 1和P <0 .0 5 ) ,血管紧张素Ⅱ (AⅡ )显著上升 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;治疗 14天 ,血压降至稳定状态 ;治疗 2 8天 ,血压回升 ,白细胞内AⅡ1mRNA、AⅡ均恢复原水平。 结论 :缬沙坦短期内降压作用明显 ,机制是阻断了AⅡ1受体 ;长期服用缬沙坦降压作用反而减弱 ,可能是受体敏感性下降的缘故。
Objectives:To study the effects of Valsartan on the regulation of the expression of the AⅡ 1 mRNA in hypertension patients and to investigate the mechanism and the long term antihypertensive effects of Valsartan. Methods:Twenty primary hypertension patients were chosen at random and treated with Valsartan at an dosage of 80 mg per day for four weeks. RT PCR method was applied to quantitify the expression of AⅡ 1 mRNA of the white blood cells. Results: Both the blood pressure and the expression of AⅡ 1 mRNA were decreased significantly ( P <0.01 and P <0.05) after valsartan was administered for 6 days, while the plasma levels of AⅡ were increased markedly. After 2 week's treatment,the blood pressure was decreased to a stable level. Twenty eight days later, the expression of AⅡ 1 mRNA and the AⅡ levels restored to the previous levels. Conclusions: Valsartan has a good antihypertensive effect of for its blocking of the AⅡ 1 receptor. However, its long term effects were not significant, which maybe due to the decrease ofthe sensitivity of AⅡ 1 receptor.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates
江苏省自然科学基金资助课题 (批准号 :BK97175 )