目的 :研究肿瘤坏死因子 (TNFα)和足叶乙甙 (VP16 )联合抗肿瘤的作用及其机制。方法 :用MTT法检测不同浓度的TNFα、VP16及TNFα/VP16对人肺癌细胞系A5 49的细胞毒作用及流式细胞仪观察TNFα、VP16及TNFα联合VP16分别对A5 49的细胞周期的影响。结果 :TNFα、VP16对A5 49细胞的生长抑制作用有时相及剂量依赖关系 ,而TNFα联合VP16对A5 49抑制作用较TNFα、VP16单个作用显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,对细胞周期用药后G2 期明显下降 ( 13.2 %下降至 3.0 % ,S期上升 ( 2 7.3%上升至42 .5 % ) (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :VP16联合TNFα可增加对肺癌细胞A5 49的抑制率 ,对A5 49细胞的作用是通过抑制DNA合成及有丝分裂使G0 +G1+S期不能及时转至G2 、M期。
Objective: To investigate the cytotoxic activities of tumor necrosis factor-α and VP16 on human lung cancer line cells A549. Methods: A wide range of TNFα concentration (from 10~160 ng/ml) and VP16 (10~80 μmol/L) were tested using the MTT assay. The cell cycle of A549 cells was measured by flow cytometric analysis (FCM). Results: Data showed that the suppressive effects of factor-α and VP16 on A549 were dose-dependently and the suppressive effect of TNFα combined with VP16 was better than TNFα or VP16. After 4 hours of exposure of A549 cell to TNFα and VP16 the cycle of cells shifted from G 2 phase to S phase. Conclusions: TNFα with VP16 could inhibit the proliferation of A549 cells. It is suggested that the mechanism of TNFα with VP16 on tumor cell is to interfere with the cycle.
Journal of Jiangsu University:Medicine Edition