
轴向受载的Timoshenko薄壁梁固有振动和稳定性的理论分析 被引量:1

Theoretical Analysis on Natural Vibration and Stability of Axially-Loaded Timoshenko Thin-Walled Beam
摘要 通过直接求解轴向受载的单对称均匀Timoshenko薄壁梁单元弯扭耦合振动的运动微分方程 ,推导了其动态传递矩阵。讨论了轴向力对弯扭耦合Timoshenko薄壁梁的固有频率的影响 ,并得到了零频率振动(弹性屈曲 )发生时相应的轴向载荷。数值结果表明 。 Dynamic transfer matrix of axially loaded uniform Timoshenko thin walled beam element is derived by solving the governing motion differential equation of beam.The effect of axial force on natural frequency of thin walled beam with bending torsional vibration is discussed.The critical axial load corresponding to zero frequency vibration(elastic buckling)is also obtained.Numerical example demonstrates the accuracy and effectiveness of the presented method
作者 李俊 金咸定
出处 《强度与环境》 2002年第2期18-23,共6页 Structure & Environment Engineering
基金 船舶工业国防基础研究基金资助J40 .3 .1
关键词 轴向受载 Timoshenko薄壁梁 固有振动 稳定性 理论分析 弯扭耦合振动 传递矩阵法 Axially loaded Timoshenko thin walled beam Bending torsional vibration Transfer matrix method.
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