英国的养老金制度酝酿于 1 9世纪末 ,建立于 2 0世纪初 ,其开始建立的标志是 1 90 8年养老金法的颁布实施。在近一个世纪的发展过程中 ,英国的养老金制度经历了免费养老金制度、交费养老金制度、与收入相联系的养老金制度以及 70年代以后的多种养老金制度改革等历史演进过程。正是经过上述几个不同阶段的发展变化 。
The British old age pension scheme was brewed in the late of the 19 th century and was established in the early of the 20 th century.The sign of its beginning was the Old Age Pension Act in 1908.The process of its development can be differed four periods:the in contributory pension scheme,the contributory pension scheme,the state earnings related pension scheme and the reform after 1970s.Therefore,the Britain found gradually its perfect old age pension scheme.