本文在对各种工业化水平测定理论进行述评的基础上 ,用钱纳里模型比较了长江三角洲经济区、珠江三角洲经济区、闽粤赣经济区工业化水平 ,并总结了闽粤赣经济区工业化的特点 。
Based on a critical account of the various theories about the measurement of industrialization level,this paper,by using Chenerys model,compares the industrialization level of Fujian Guangdong Jiangxi economic zone with that of Pearl River Delta and that of Yangtze River Delta,then goes on to sum up the characteristic feaures of Fujian Guangdong Jiangxi economic zone,and finally presents an industrizlization strategy for the economic zone.
Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
20 0 0年国家哲学社会科学基金项目"南中国经济增长带中的闽粤赣经济区产业素质升级问题研究"的阶段性成果
项目批准号 :0 0CJL0 1 4