“金字塔”模式的内涵是 :点线面结合 ,表浅里渗透、融会贯通、螺旋式升华。具体应用中先讲授章节的知识点 ,然后连点成线开展生动的课堂讨论 (其中穿插案例教学 ) ,再对大家讨论的结果进行整理和加工以形成知识面 ,最后以企业见习、实习等实践环节进行验证和强化。这种教学法具有循序渐进、从理论到实践、变被动为主动、能够解决实际问题等优点。具体实施中需要教师、学生、学校和社会协调一致的配合。
Connotation of pyramid pattern includes combination of point and plane,unity of surface and depth,thorough acquaintance with knowledge and spiral rising development.In practice knowledge points of each chapter and section are taught first and then put these point together as a line for discussion in class with practical cases inserted .The knowledge is then strengtened by probation and practice.In these actions teachers,students,schools and society should be in harmonious cooperation
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
信阳师院面向 2 1世纪教学改革计划立项项目