中国古典侠义小说虽然存在着封建主义的思想糟粕 ,但其惩恶扬善、除暴安良的思想宗旨、积极浪漫的创作方法、文白相间的语言运用仍值得充分肯定。民国时期的武侠小说虽然削弱了封建意识 ,也不乏抵御外侮、振兴中华的作品 ,但因其武侠世界是一个远离现实人生的“江湖世界” ,它与当时中华民族灾难深重的现实生活格格不入 ,另其分宗立派的江湖恩怨描写、打打杀杀的暴力渲染、不堪入目的色情描写、陈陈相因的表现手法 ,无疑是一股文学逆流。
The feudalistic ideology inherent in the ancient Chinese swordsmen fiction, it deserves appropriate appraisal in terms of its tenets of praising the good while punishing the evil, eradicating the rioters and protecting the civilians, the enthusiastic and romantic composing and the language use of both literary and colloquial styles. The swordsmen fiction produced in the Republic of China is no short of inspiring works which highlight the protection of native land from the invasion of outsiders and rejuvenate China. However, the knight-errant world depicted in the fiction could not but detached from the real world and therefore could never be brought into conformity with the actual world; besides, the narration of gratitude and resentment among sects, the exaggeration of the violence of beating and killing and pornographic depiction of sex is undoubtedly a literary defiant. The contemporary Hong Kong and Taiwan neo-swordsmen fiction displays such a catering to vulgarism, especially those novels by Jin Yong.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
swordsmen fiction
historic appraisal
tendency of catering to vulgarism