外语学习软件界面的设计除了应注意实现软件功能的技术因素、表现媒体的物理性状以及信息内容的学科把握 ,还应对软件界面的内容组织方略、交互通达方式、语用认知功能等方面提出要求。界面设计的出发点 ,应该是学生、学习任务及其相应的学习活动。应该根据需求分析、学习者分析、任务和内容分析来确定目标和步骤。外语教学应以语言能力、交际能力、学习策略能力为目标 ,界面设计应以此为据选择表现媒体、结构层次、交互方式和技术手段。
In designing the Interface of the Multi-medium Software for Foreign Language Learning, Attention must be paid to techniques of realizing functions of the software, physical features of multi-media for displaying, and selection of required information, and proposals must be put forward about strategies of content organization of the interface, modes of interaction and functions of pragmatic cognition. Students, learning tasks and activities should be regarded as the starting point. The goals and procedures should be decided on the basis of analysis of the learner, needs of the learner, and teaching contents. The selection of multi-media for displaying, structural arrangement of interface, modes of interaction and technological means should be based on foreign language teaching goals of linguistic competence, communicative competence and learning strategies.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
interface design
cognitive strategy
psychological mode