首先简要介绍了 DICOM3 .0协议的组成以及激光相机的通信协议 ,然后根据实际情况对 JPEG的自适应算法进行了推导 ,这种方法在不增加任何附加信息的基础上 ,根据输入图像的频域分布 ,自适应地改变量化等级数 ,使医学图像信息在一定的压缩比下保留更多的图像细节。最终在对系统的可行性进行研究的基础上 ,应用TI公司生产的 TMS3 2 0 C5 40 2实现了 DICOM3 .0的 PCI接口卡。系统运行结果表明 :该系统可对来自医疗影像设备的图像 ,实时稳定地转换为 DICOM文件 ,并通过 PCI总线存入计算机。该设计有较强的实用性 ,是 PACS中的核心部分。
The principles of DICOM3.0 and the communication protocol of laser imager are introduced, the adaptive algorithm of JPEG is analyzed which changes the number of intensity degree according to the frequency distribution of an input image without adding any appending information. This arithmetic can reserve more details of a medical image in a certain compress rate. Finally the feasibility of system and implement of the DICOM3.0 Standard PCI interface card are analysed based on TMS320C5402. As a result, this system can real time transfer the images comed from the medical image devices into DICOM files steadily, and store them into the hard disk of a computer. This practical design is the core part of PACS.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
国家自然科学基金 (编号 :699740 0 8)
辽宁省自然科学基金 (编号 :972 1 94)资助项目