介绍天山锅炉厂自行开发研制的WNS8- 1 2 5 -YCQT全自动湿背式燃油 (气 )锅炉的设计开发特点。重点说明该锅炉的结构布置特点和安全保护及控制系统 ,并介绍锅炉运行调试的有关情况。通过运行实践证明 ,该锅炉的重要技术指标均达到了预期的设计指导思想 ,其热工性能指标与可靠性指标达到甚至超过了国外同类进口产品。
Introduces the design feature on the WNS8-1 25-YcQt full automatic controlled wet back oil(gas) fired boiler, developed by Tianshan Boiler Works by self, whose structure arrangement feature, safety protection and the control system, and whose debugging and running. The fact about running shows that the boilers main technical marker come to expected design requirement, And its performance and reliability come to advanced world standard. At last points out some questions about the boiler, which require solving.
Dongfang Electric Review