阐述了使用计算机模拟技术设计电网监控培训系统的基本原理 ,介绍了系统主站端和厂站端的构成及部分硬、软件的设计方法。由于该培训系统是按照电力系统的实际运行情况来设计的 ,并具有较强的可参予性和交互功能 ,既可用于在校学生的教学 ,又可对现场技术人员进行培训 ,因而具有一定的实用价值。
The principle and method of using computer analogy techniques to design the studying and training system in electric powr network monitoring and controlling are discussed in the paper.The system configuration of mainstation and workstation and designing methods of parts of hardware and software are introduced in detail.According to the practical operation conditions of electric power network,the system is designed to be interactive so that it is useful not only for teaching students in universities but also for training techicians in electric power network.The system is of certain practical values.
Modern Electric Power