杭州大剧院主厅侧墙高厚比较大 ,大梁跨度为 2 5 5m ,采用有粘结预应力混凝土。侧墙稳定性验算、有粘结预应力混凝土大梁的设计是该主厅结构分析的主要问题。采用线性和非线性屈曲两种分析方法对主厅薄壁混凝土墙体稳定性进行了计算。结果表明 ,线性屈曲所得的稳定系数比非线性屈曲所得的稳定系数大 ;加强结构整体性可大幅提高混凝土墙体稳定性。对预应力大梁的设计 ,采用直线形和抛物线形两种混合布筋方式 ,较好地解决了支座和跨中抗裂度难以同时满足的问题 ,也能减小顶层柱、墙所承受的弯矩 ,并给出了确定两种筋形比例的估算方法 。
The stability of the thin concrete walls and the design of bonded prestressed concrete beams with 25 5m long span are two key problems in Hangzhou Grand Theatre. This paper presents the results of linear and nonlinear buckling analysis. The linear buckling load of walls is far higher than nonlinear stability. To reinforce the integration between thin concrete wall and adjacent structural members is the more effective measure of increasing wall stability than the others. Applying two types of prestressed steel is a desirable method to satisfy the requirement of ultimate cracking capacity during normal service. The method to determine the optimal amounts of two different shapes steel is provided.
Building Structure