军队和军权是政权的基石。如何合理地管理军队和分配军权 ,是一个政权能否稳定的关键。魏晋两朝的军事领导体制大致相同 ,但两个政权的成败走向却迥然有别 ,这与两朝在相同的军事领导体制下对军队和军权采取不同的管理分配方式有关。魏政权行都督之制授权地方 ,建军司作有力监督 ,置中军居中威慑 ,从而保证了中央集权和朝政的稳定。西晋政权以都督授宗王 ,以封地就督区 ,罢州兵 ,弱中军 。
In Ancient China, the military troops and military command were the footstones of a ruling system. Rational allocation and control of military power were the key elements of a political power. Although the military command system in the Wei and the Jin Dynasties were almost the same, the courses of rise and fall of the two political powers were different, because the two dynasties adopted different ways of allocation and control of military power; (2) In the Wei Dynasty, the local military command was vested in Dudu , the military governor of province. An independent office called Jun Si ( Jun means military, and Si , to take charge of ) was set to take charge of supervising the military affairs. A levied army stationing at the capital called Zhong Jun ( Zhong means central or imperial, and Jun the troop or the army), or Zhong Ling Jun ( here Ling means to lead or to command ) serving as a threatening equilibrium and ensuring the stability of the state of government; (3) While in the Jin Dynasty, the facts that the royal princes came in Dudu's stead, and the troops stationed in Zhou ( the name in ancient China meant the administrative district consisting of several countries) were disbanded, the areas under military command were becoming the manor estates of the royal princes, and, besides, the numbers of Zhong Jun were reduced meant that the rule of the Jin Dynasty was short lived.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
Military Command
Zhong Jun ( Troop or Army Stationing at the Capital)
Zhou Jun Bing ( Troop or army stationing at Local Administrative districts)
Dudu ( Military Governor of Province)
Zong Wang Chu Zhen ( Royal Prince Assumi