始终坚持马克思主义的基本原理是江泽民对中国共产党 80年奋斗历史的科学总结 ,它一方面强调了坚持的过程性 ,另一方面阐述了坚持的是基本原理而不是个别的、具体结论。这就要求我们正确把握马克思主义基本原理的科学内涵 ;反对教条主义 ,科学地对待经典作家的结论 ;坚持解放思想、实事求是的精髓 ,真正实现“三个解放”
Adhering to the Marxism basic principles resolutely is summarized scientifically by Jiang Zemin from the 80-year-strive-history of the Chinese Communist Party. It emphasizes how to adhere to Marxism basic principles, and meanwhile it claims what we adhere to is the basic principles but not the specific or concrete conclusions. So it is a request for us to treat the conclusions of classical thinkers with scientific attitude and object to doctrinairism. We must adhere to liberate ideas and seek facts from the truth, and it demands us to understand the essence of the Speech on July 1st and make great efforts to realize the thought of the Three Representatives.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)