亚里士多德关于法治与一人之治的论述不是专门的治国 方略论,而是为说明全权君主政体的优劣服务的,行文中的“一人之治”指的是政体形式, 而非治国方法。亚里士多德的法治的反面是人治,而非一人之治。他的人治是不受法律约束 而受执政者个人情感左右的治国方法,它既可以存在于单个人统治的政体中,也可以为多人 统治的政体所采用。
The discouse of Aristotle's rule of law and rule ofone man isn't the special strategies about governing a country, but to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the political system of a plenary sovereign.In the present article, 'rule of one man' means the form of political system,not the way of governing a nation. Aristotle maintained that the reverse of 'rule of law' was 'rule of men', not 'rule of one man'. His 'rule of men' is the means of governing a country, which isn't restricted by law but by the af fect of monarch. Not only is 'rule of men' existed in the political system rul ed by one person, but also existed in the political system ruled by many people.
Qilu Journal