
鼻窦癌患者血浆可溶性E-选择素的含量及意义 被引量:2

The clinical significance of SE-SLT in the plasma of patients with carcinoma of paranasal sinuses
摘要 目的 通过检测鼻窦癌患者血浆可溶性E-选择素[soluble E-selectin,SE-SLT]含量来探讨其临床意义。方法 应用定量ELISA法检测19例正常对照、28例鼻窦癌患者及其中19例术后患者血浆SE-SLT含量。结果19例正常对照组及28例鼻窦癌组SE-SLT含量分别为29.82±4.88(μg/L),44.46±6.78(μg/L);鼻窦癌Ⅰ、Ⅱ期组及Ⅲ、Ⅳ期组分别为38.70±5.80(μg/L),50.20±7.20(μg/L)。19例患者术前值及术后值分别为45.30±6.96(μg/L),34.28±5.12(μg/L)。经检验,鼻窦癌组明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01),Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期组明显低于Ⅲ和Ⅳ期组(P<0.01),19例术后组明显低于其相应的术前组(P<0.01)。结论 鼻窦癌患者血浆SE-SLT含量与病情严重程度有关,可作为疗效观察、肿瘤转移及评估预后的参考指标。 ve To investigate the clinical significance of SE-SLT in the plasma of patients with carcinoma of paranasal sinuses. Methods SE-SLT was determined among 28 cases with carcinoma of paranasal sinuses and 19 healthy persons as controlling, by means of quantitative ELISA. Results The determined values of SE-SLT were 29. 82 ±4. 88 (μg/L)for controlling group and 44. 46±6. 78(μg/L)for the group of patients. Moreover, the patients with clinical stages I and I had a significantly lowed value of SE -SLT38. 70 ±5. 80(μg/L) than those with stages I and IV 50. 20±7-20(μg/L). Furthermore, a comparative study, made among 19 patients, showed that the SE-SLT value was significantly lowed from 45. 30±6. 96(μg/L)before the surgery to 34. 28±5.12(μg/L)after the operation. Conclusions The plasma content of SE-SLT may be related with the severity of lesion among patients with carcinoma of paranasal sinuses and can be taken as a reference index to evaluate the prognosis of this tumor.
出处 《中国中西医结合耳鼻咽喉科杂志》 2002年第3期123-124,共2页 Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine
关键词 E-选择素 鼻窦癌 预后 SE-SLT Carcinoma of paranasal sinuses Prognosis
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