在对人工堆放物坡体周围地质、坡体组成成份的物理性质研究基础上 ,将滑坡类型从整体上分为沿基底面滑动、基底滑坡、排弃物自身滑坡 3种。接着又将单一台阶滑坡类型细分为顺层滑坡、切层滑坡、逆层滑坡 3种。分析了滑坡的形成与破坏机理以后 。
on the base of the research of physical properties of sloping fields ingredients and geology conditions around the manual stacked substance, the landslide can be divided into three types:slipping along foundation bed,foundation support slide and manual stacked substance self-slide as a whole.Furthermore,the single landslide can be divided into bedded landslide,approaching bedding one and reverse bedding one.After analyzing the formation and destroy mechanism of landslip,the author puts forward several practical prevention and control measures.
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