抗战时期 ,工业合作社运动曾在云南丽江地区有过成功的尝试 ,时至今日 ,它仍能把云南少数民族经济的特征和新的经济行动联系起来。它把长期依附于各种“自然”经济之下的云南少数民族带入了现代化的一条途径 ,它最大的效果不仅表现在经济的收益和实实际际的可操作性上 ,还表现为促使参与者的精神的富足和人格的完善。事隔半个多世纪 ,当我们重新来分析这一事件时 ,才发现它对于云南的少数民族经济来说是一笔多么宝贵的财富。
During the Anti-Japanese War, the industrial cooperative movement had a successful trial in Lijiang of Yunnan. It led Yunnan minority groups onto the road of modernization while these groups had long been attached to various kinds of 'natural' economy. Today, it can still connect the traits of Yunnan minority economy with the new economic development Its best benefit is not only its economic returns or practicability but its contribution to the spiritual and personality perfection of the participants. Even now it is a rare treasure for developing Yunnan minority economy.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)