
包套对等静压压力的屏蔽效应分析 被引量:4

An Analysis of the Shielding Effect of Container on Isocratic Pressing
摘要 采用解析法推导了球壳和柱壳等静压时采用的包套对等静压压力的屏蔽公式 ,结果表明包套屏蔽压力的大小与包套的壁厚和屈服应力成正比 ,对于同样厚度的包套 ,球壳包套屏蔽的压力比对柱壳包套屏蔽的压力略大 ,前者为后者的 3倍。 The shielding press of cylindrical and sphere shell containers has been deduced using the analytical method during isocratic pressing.The result show that the shielding press is proportional to the thickness and the yield stress of the container.For the containers which have same thickness,the shielding press of sphere shell container is a bit larger than that of cylindrical shell container and the former is 3 times as much as the latter
作者 董平
出处 《金属成形工艺》 2002年第3期12-14,26,共4页 Metal Forming Technology
基金 中国工程物理研究所重大科学技术基金资助项目 (编号 :1999Z0 30 4 )
关键词 包套 等静压压力 屏蔽效应 container isocratic pressing shielding effect
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