目的 通过在脊髓神经元培养中应用X线照射 ,选择最佳时机 ,从而抑制或杀伤非神经元细胞增殖 ,提高神经元存活率 ,促进其生长、分化。方法 对E18大鼠胚胎脊髓神经元培养 ,在培养当天 ,第 1、2、3、4天行X线照射 ,剂量为 2Gy。在培养 2周时 ,采用链霉素抗生素蛋白 过氧化酶连接法 (SP)免疫组织化学方法显示神经元特异性烯醇化酶 (NSE)作为判定照射效果的依据。结果 在培养第 2天时给予 2Gy的X线照射 ,NSE阳性细胞数最高 ,为 (3 5 3± 42 )个 ,第 2天照射组明显多于其他组 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 在培养第 2天时给予 2Gy的X线照射 ,大鼠胚胎脊髓神经元存活细胞数明显高于其他培养时间。
Objective To select the optimal opportunity for 2 Gy doses X irradiation in the cultured spinal cord cells.Methods The spinal neurons from E18 rat were cultured and subjected to the X irradiation of 2 Gy at the day,first,second,third and fourth day of the cutlure.After culture for 2 weeks,the immuno histochemistry assay was used to show the NSE serving as an indicator to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness.Results The numbers of the NSE positive cells were the most at the second day of 2 Gy X irradiation (P<0.01).Conclusion The survival rate of the cultured spinal cells at the 2nd day with 2 Gy X irradiation was higher than any other opportunities.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery