目的 探讨提高膀胱癌的治疗效果 ,降低术后复发率的更佳膀胱内灌注方案。方法 将42例行经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术 (TURBt)的浅表性膀胱癌分为两组 :A组 (21例 )膀胱内灌注丝裂霉素加卡介苗素 ,B组 (21例 )膀胱内单纯灌注丝裂霉素。两组均在术后1周内开始灌注 ,每周1次 ,共6次 ,然后每月1次 ,共2年。 结果 随访12~28个月 ,A组复发1例 ,复发率4.8% ,B组复发7例 ,复发率33.3% ,两组复发率的并别有显著性意义 (P<0.05)。 结论
Objective To improve the effect of intravesical instillation treatment and reduce the postoperation recurrence rate of bladder cancer.Methods Forty two patients with bladder cancer after TURBt were divided into two groups to receive intravesical instillation treatment with combination of Mitomycin C and Bacillus Calmette_Guerir(BCG) or Mitomycin C alone respectively after operation.Results All these patients were following up from 12 to 28 months.Recurrence rate in the group treated with combination of Mitomycin and BCG was 4.8%(1/21) and 3.3%(7/21) in the group treated with Mitomycin C alone(P<0.085).Conclusion Intravesical instillation with Mitomycin C combination with BCG may be the more effective therapy in prevention of recurrence after TURBt.
Zhejiang Medical Journal