目的 建立并改进小鼠腹部异位心脏移植手术方法 ,为进一步进行移植免疫学研究提供动物模型。方法 移植手术采用供心主动脉与受体腹主动脉、供心肺动脉与受体下腔静脉分别端侧吻合。同时测量异位移植部位重要结构。结果 正式实验成功率为90.0 %。供体手术时间为(7.0+1.0)min ,受体手术时间为(52.5+10.5)min ;其中动脉吻合时间为(10.0+2.0)min ,静脉吻合时间为(9.0+2.0)min ,腹腔大血管平均可利用长度(6.5+1.0)mm ,下腔静脉直径(2.4+0.2)mm ,主动脉直径(1.0+0.1)mm。 结论 改进的小鼠心脏移植模型稳定可靠 ,可用于移植免疫学的深入研究。
Objective To establish a murine model of cardiac transplantation for basic research in this field.Methods The aorta of the graft was anastemosed with recipient's abdominal aorta with a end_to_side continuous suture method,while the pulmonary artery of the graft was anastomosed with recipient's inferior vena cava in the similar way.Results The success rate for mice cardiac transplantation was 90.0%.The operation time for donor was (7.0±1.0)min and for recipient was (52.5±10.5)min.The arterial and venous anastomosis took (10.0±2.0) min and (9.0±2.0) min respectively.The length of large vessels used for anastomosis was (6.5±1.0)mm,while the diameter of IVC and aorta was (2.4±0.2) mm and (1.0±0.1)mm respectively.Conclusion The improved method murine cardiac transplantation is reliable one,which can be used in basic research of transplant immunology.
Zhejiang Medical Journal