目的 在煤矿工人中开展艾滋病健康教育及行为干预研究 ,预防和控制艾滋病在我市的传播和流行。方法 选择平煤集团二矿、六矿、十一矿的矿工 30 0名作为研究对象 ,进行不同形式的艾滋病健康教育及行为干预 ,时间为 4个月 ,并在干预前、后各进行 1次问卷调查。结果 通过健康教育及培训 ,矿工防治艾滋病知识知晓率由5 3 37%提高到 86 4 1% ;通过行为干预 ,矿工非婚性行为安全套使用率由 38 33%上升到 6 9 6 7%。结论 开展健康教育及行为干预效果明显 ,今后还应强化对高危人群的健康教育及行为干预。
Objective By developing HIV/AIDS health educations and carrying interference researches,HIV/AIDS may be controlled and prevented.Methods By selecting 3 hundred miners from the 2rd?6th?11th coal mine of Pingdingshan as researching targets,We developed various HIV/AIDS health educations and action interferences during 4 months,and then did respective investigation questionaires before and after interference activities.Results By health educating and training,the miners who knowing the knowledge preventing HIV/AIDS are increased from 53.37% to 86.41%;by carrying interferences,the unmarried miners who use condoms when sexing are increased from 38.33% to 69.67%.Conclusion The results of health educating and carrying interfering are clear,For the future this should be strengthened especially for these people who are infected AIDS quite easily. [
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers
20 0 0年度卫生部艾滋病防治专项基金资助