目的 :探讨足月、重度新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE)在常规治疗基础上用婴儿氧舱近期治疗效果。方法 :将 5 1例足月、重度HIE随机分为治疗组 2 8例 ,即在常规治疗同时加用婴儿氧舱治疗 ;对照组 2 3例仅给予常规治疗。对头颅CT进行观察。结果 :HIE高压氧治疗组较对照组疗效显著。结论 :高压氧治疗重度HIE近期疗效显著 。
Objective:To analyze and compare the short-term curative effect of mature severe neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy between the 28 cases with normal treatment,at the same time with high pressure oxygen treatment and the 23 cases only with normal treatmtent.Methods:The 28 cases are treated with normal treatment at the same time with high pressure oxygen,while 23 cases only with normal treatment.The skull-CT is observed.Results:The treated group has more significant curative effect than the control group (P<0.01).Conclusion:The high pressure oxygen treatment should be applied to neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy as soon as possible for its remarkable curative effect.
Journal of Medical Imaging