本文旨在尝试建立留学教育效果评估的理论框架 ,为科学。
This paper aims to construct a more scientific, effective and accurate theoretical framework for the evaluation of overseas education outcomes. First, based on a multi-disciplinary endeavor, the author offers the background and importance of the research and defines the key terms related to the topic and from various disciplines, such as education, economics, and sociology. Second, the author explains the necessity of this research particularly from Economics as a negative perspective and Sociology as a positive perspective. Finally, the author develops a comprehensive framework of the evaluation of overseas education outcomes through introducing types of participants of overseas educational activities (individual, organization, and government), types of costs and benefits in overseas education (economic capital, cultural capital, and social capital), and types of processes related to costs and benefits (namely the relations between time and inputs/outputs).
Tsinghua Journal of Education