善的追求总是内含着对幸福的向往 ,当理性从实践的层面关注整个人生时 ,便不能不涉及幸福的问题。以追求存在的完善为指向 ,道德与幸福的关系展开为一个不断扬弃对峙而走向统一的过程。康德试图通过赋予人的存在以道德的规定来担保幸福的合理导向 ,无疑看到了道德与幸福之间可能导致的紧张 ,但其将幸福加以德性化的思维趋向 ,却易于引向以道德消解幸福。相形之下 ,亚里士多德认为幸福即是善 ,则更多地肯定了幸福与道德之间的一致性 ,但若过分强调二者的一致 ,在逻辑上亦容易忽略幸福与道德之间可能出现的冲突 ;前者注意到了离开道德的制约 ,幸福将变得片面化 ,后者则有见于离开幸福 ,道德也将导向抽象化。扬弃道德与幸福关系中的这种片面性 ,意味着走向人自身的全面发展 ;二者在本质上呈现为同一个过程。
Pursuit of perfection entails the yearning for enjoyment, and when one's rationality is lead to an individual, it will inevitably involves the issue of happiness. As far as the perfection of any individual is concerned, morals and enjoyment may confront one another until they reach complete agreement. Kant's attempts to secure happiness by acknowledging human existence clearly demonstrates that he is aware of the strong conflict between morals and happiness, but his approach to moralizing happiness is likely to remove happiness in the name of morals. By contrast, Aristotle's belief that happiness is nothing but moral stresses the agreement of happiness with morals, but the overemphasis on their conformity may cover the possible conflict between them. The former advocates the removal of restrictions from morals, thus unilateralizing happiness; the latter, on the other hand, isolates morals from happiness, hence abstracting morals. Discarding the unilateralism in the relationship between morals and happiness means that one is striving for full development. The two approaches are realized as the same process.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)