在中国古代以儒学为代表的政治文化中 ,有着极其丰富的“德治”思想 ,其中的不少精华之论可以为我们今天的“以德治国”提供资鉴。如治国以“德主刑辅” ,治民以教化为先 ;君主百官为民表率 ,严以律己 ,宽以待人 ,严以治吏 ,宽以治民 ,培育良好的政风 ;“民为邦本 ,本固邦宁” ,因而为政必须为民、爱民、养民、富民、教民 ,使之“有耻且格” ,培育淳厚民风 ;个人道德修养 ,着重自律 ,通过“内省”、“慎独”、“苦心”、“劳志” ,达到人格的自我完善 ,但也注重舆论监督 ,形成人人奋发自力的社会氛围。中国古代的“德治”思想尽管不乏可取之处 ,但它所浸透的封建意识和唯心主义的糟粕 ,亦须认真加以辨别和批判。
In the ancient China, the political culture represented by Confucianism involves the profound ideology of 'ruling by virtue', which can provide valuable insights today. For example, Managing state affairs by virtue as a primary means and by penalty as secondary; dealing with subjects by guiding and instructing them; monarchs and officials as models to the public, being strict with personal selves, tolerant with others and tough with officials but kind to people, thus cultivating sound politics. Civilians are the core of a whole nation and a nation can be stable only if civilians are well protected. As a ruler, he must care and love the people, training and instructing them to self-respect, self-discipline and self-perfect in personality through introspection, caution and painstaking efforts. Moreover, he must help to create a social atmosphere of self-support and strenuous work. The ancient ideology of 'ruling by virtue', however progressive, cannot avoid its feudal conception and mentalist dross worthy of critical evaluation.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
political culture
ancient ideology of 'ruling by virtue', personality self-perfection
supervision of public opinion