目的 探讨多层螺旋CT对原位肝移植术后并发症的诊断价值。方法 2 8例肝移植术后行多层螺旋CT腹部 5~ 7.5mm平扫 ,双期或三期增强扫描 2 .5mm薄层重建及血管重建。结果 发现腹部各种并发症 15种 ,胆道并发症 11例 ,位于非血管源性并发症首位。肝动脉狭窄闭塞 3例 ,门静脉血栓 2例 ,肝缺血梗死 3例 ,右肾上腺血肿 4例 ,另外还有肝脓肿 ,转移瘤 ,脾梗塞等。 18人多种并发症同时存在。结论 肝移植术后并发症表现多样 ,无特异性 ,多层螺旋CT对肝移植术后各种并发症能够提供更多更准确的信息 。
Objective To study the value of multislice helix CT in the diagnosis of complications after orthotopic liver transplantation. Methods Twenty eight patients had abdomen CT scanning with slice thickness of 5-7.5mm, and biphase or triphase scanning with contrast, then thin slice thickness of 2.5mm and blood vessel reconstruction were performed. Results Fifteen kinds of abdominal complications were detected. Eleven patients developed biliary complications, which occupied the top position of the list of nonangiogenic complications. Three patients had stenosis and occlusion of liver artery,Two patients thrombus of portal vein,three patients ischemic infarction of liver,four patients hematom of right adrenal gland. Additionally, liver abscess, metastasis and spleen infarction were also found.Eighteen patients suffered from several complications at the same time. Conclusion Complications after liver transplantation are of variety, and lack of specifity. Multislice helix CT can offer more accurate information about them to make detection and diagnosis earlier.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
Orthotopic liver transplantation
Multislice helix CT