“五四”阵营从它扎寨的那一天起就潜存着两种张扬个性观念的歧义。正是“新青年”与导师之间这种对“人”之辅导、培养方向的殊途 ,导致了“五四”学生的分化。在英美与欧陆两种以个人为本位的自由主义思想导引下 ,“新青年”有了象牙之塔与十字街头的歧路 ,并在“五四”
There had been two different kinds of ideas lurking in the camp, which advocated personality it was the different ways in which the teachers taught and guided the New youth that broke up the students during the Movement. Led by two kinds of liberalistic thinking based on individuality, which came from Britain and America and after the climax, they respectively went to studied abroad in Britain or Americas or to studied under the work in France or Russia.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)