20世纪初是中国社会转型比较剧烈的时期 ,近代中国新式女子教育发轫了。它与资产阶级及其知识分子的大力提倡、女权运动的强烈呼唤、政府的倡导以及西方教会来华势力的办学活动的刺激和示范效应密切相关。由于时代的复杂性及办学为主体的多元性 ,新式女子教育又具有曲折性、渐进和突进相交织、社会化、政治化的特点。新式女子教育是近代中国政治、经济、文化多种因素综合作用的结果 ,它不仅是社会进步的反映 。
Chinese women school education rose in the early part of the 20th century. Many political classes or groups had exerted their more or less influence on Chinese women school education. It was the serious national crisis that made Chinese women school education stamped with the deeply brand of the times. Chinese women school education was the result of modern China changes,Which reflected and improved social progress.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)